Working papers

Winter 2017/18: We have just  released several papers presenting the results of the project. Marta Lackowska and Paweł Swianiewicz discuss factors explaining local governments preferences and actions towards climate change mitigation and adaptation in Prace Geograficzne. The second paper by Katarzyna Szmigiel-Rawska and Jan-Erling Klausen was published in  TRAS (Impact Factor 0,456). They had been working on innovation and climate change policy mechanisms. We are also expecting another paper to be published in the same journal in February 2018. This time Gro Sandkjær Hanssen, Marta Lackowska and Paweł Swianiewicz tackle the role of local leadersip in climate change policy at the municipal level.

Paweł Swianiewicz talks about the results of the POLCITCLIM project during the International Geographical Union conference held in Lecce, October 19-21, 2017.

Next article reffering the results of the PolCitClim project has been published. You can find the paper by Pawel Swianiewicz in the newest issue (3/2017) of the monthly “Wspólnota”.

We are pleased to inform that a paper entitled  “The climate policy mechanisms in Polish local governments” written by Katarzyna Szmigiel-Rawska will be released in the 1/2017 issue of the quarterly “Regional and Local Studies”.

On Wednesday, December 7, 2016 prof. Paweł Swianiewicz presented the results of the project PolCitClim in the framework of the conference “Building a low-carbon economy – the practice at the local level in Poland and in Germany” organised by the Mazovian Branch of the Polish Ecological Club in the Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw.



On December 5, 2016 Adam Gendźwiłł presented the results of the PolCitClim project in the framework of the CHIHE conference (Climat change impact on hydrological extremes) held by the Polish Academy of Science in Warsaw.


On September 23, 2016 we had a pleasure to organise practitionners’ conference at the University of Warsaw. You can find more details here.

On November 20, 2015 Jan Erling Klausen, Paweł Swianiewicz and Katarzyna Szmigiel-Rawska presented the preliminary results of the PolCitClim project at the conference held in Sopot by National Centre for Research and Development.

20151119_112055Here you can download the the presentation (pdf format).

On October 16, 2015 our team presented preliminary results of the research during the international scientific conference Disaster Risk Reduction held at the National Stadium in Warsaw.

Read more about the DRR conference.

Here you can download our presentations:

Swianiewicz, P., Szmigiel, K. (2015) “Nie wierzymy w zmiany klimatyczne”, Wspólnota nr 9/2015

Szmigiel, K. (2014) “Postrzeganie zmian klimatycznych przez polityków i urzędników gminnych” – press release summarizing the results of the survey.

Download: press release