Project meetings

Fifth meeting: Oslo, April 21-22, 2016

The fifth meeting had two main objectives: firstly, the team discussed the program and organizational issues related to the practitionners’ conferenceplanned for September this year. The team elaborated a preliminary list of guests to be intited as well as a scope of thematic sessions and speeches.

Secondly, much attention was devoted to the presentation of scientific articles which team members are currently working on. The conclusions of this part of the meeting are optimistic. It turned out that most likely the team will fully realize – or perhaps even exceedinitial assumptions concerning the number of publications presenting the results of research project.

Fourth meeting: Sibiu (during the annual conference of the European Urban Research Association), September 18, 2015

The team members exchanged information on the progress of case studies. The stage of data gathering has been almost completed. Internal reports on each case study should be ready by the end of October.

Pawel Swianiewicz reported that NCBiR invited the team to participate in the conference concerning the Polish-Norwegian research program to be held in Sopot in November 2015. It was agreed that Pawel Swianiewicz and Jan-Erling Klausen would prepare and submit a presentation of the POLCITCLIM project for conference participants.

It was also agreed that Gro Sandkjær Hanssen, Marta Lackowska and Pawel Swianiewicz will prepare an article on the role of politicians and the local administration in the policy of adaptation to climate change. This article should be submitted for publication in Scandinavian Political Studies.

It was agreed that Adam Gendźwiłł will prepare a proposal of a separate panel on urban policies of adaptation to climate change for the annual conference of the European Consortium for Political Research in Prague in September 2016.

Third meeting: Warsaw, 27 May 2015

The team members discussed the case studies of selected Polish and Norwegian cities. They also discussed forthcoming comparative articles to be published in international academic journals, as well as the preparations of the conference for practitioners, to be held by the end of the POLCITCLIM project. The team talked about the subsequent studies (articles), in particular those devoted to the role of politicians and administration in policy-making concerning adaptation to climate change in Polish and Norwegian cities.

The team agreed on:

  • prepration of two papers for the conference the European Urban Research Association in Sibiu in September 2015. The first will be devoted to innovation policy on adaptation to climate change (authors: Jan Erling Klausen and Katarzyna Szmigiel-Rawska), the second will concern the issue of awareness of the risks of climate change (authors: Adam Gendźwiłł and Marte Winsvold).
  • organization of a separate session of the POLCITCLIM project in the framework of the conference “Disaster Risk Reduction” in Warsaw in October 2015. Members of the team should present, inter alia, two papers: the first paper (on management styles in politics of climate change in Polish and Norwegian cities) should be presented by Pawel Swianiewicz. Second paper (on research policy on climate change carried out in two Russian cities: St. St. Petersburg and Arkhangelsk) should be presented by Jørn Holm-Hansen.
  • preparation of the financial report of the project for the period including May 2015 and its sending to NCBiR,
  • a preliminary schedule of subsequent meetings of the research team: (i) in Sibiu (during the annual conference of EURA) in September 2015, (ii) in Oslo – in April 2016 and (iii) in Warsaw – in September 2016.

Second meeting: Oslo, June 16, 2014

The second POLCITCLIM project meeting was organized right after the study visit of the Polish team to Norwegian municipalities. It allowed to discuss conclusions from the visit as well as experiences of on-going research activities as well as plans for the future. It was decided that:

  • The Polish survey of local governments will be finalized at the end of September 2014 and the joint data base with results of surveys conducted in Poland in Norway will be completed till end of 2014. It will allow for comparative analysis of local governments in both countries.
  • Joint methodological guidelines for case studies will be developed before the ned of 2014. Selection of Polish case studies will be made in Autumn 2014, while the actual case study research will be conducted in 2015.
  • Probable topics of the joint articles (publications) of Polish and Norwegian research team will cover following topics: role of planning regulations in climate adaptation policies, local perception of risks related to climate change – differences between Poland and Norway, role of politicians in the climate change policy making (to be based on case studies), general paper comparing results of the surveys of local governments in both countries
  • First analysis based on project results will be presented to international academic audience on various conferences to be organized between September 2015 and September 2016. This may include annual conferences of European Urban Research Association, European Consortium for Political Research, Network of Schools and Institutes of Public Administration in central and Eastern Europe.

First meeting: Warsaw, January 28, 2014

The first POLCITCLIM project meeting was organized in Warsaw. The meeting allowed to discuss the conceptual framework of the research as well as to agree time-table of future activities. It was agreed that:

  • The survey of Polish local governments’ perception of climate change issues will be conducted during the Spring 2014;
  • Study tour of the Polish team to Norway (to learn from experience of Norwegian local governments adaptation and mitigation of climate change) will be organized on June 8-14, 2014;
  • The next project meeting will be held in Oslo on June 16-17, 2014;
  • Selection of case studies for further detail investigation will be made in summer 2014; case studies in Norway and Poland will be completed in 2015;
  • POLCITCLIM team submitted proposal of a special session on “Climate change adaptation at the local political agenda” for ECPR Joint Session of Workshops planned for 2015 in Warsaw.